18.09.2024 | DSC Seed Grant

DSC Funds Participation at Research Conference in Toronto

With the DSC Seed Grant we support Andreas Breiter, co-founder and deputy spokesperson of the DSC, to co-design an AI-focused study at UC Berkeley to investigate the significance of AI-based systems in higher education from the students' perspective.

Andreas will attend a conference of the SERU consortium, which conducts large-scale student surveys at the Center for Studies in Higher Education (CSHE) at UC Berkeley, USA, from September 17 to 18 at the University of Toronto, Canada. SERU (Student Experience in the Research University) is based at the Center for Studies in Higher Education at UC Berkeley and administers a large-scale student survey. There are two types of surveys: undergraduate (since 2002) and graduate (since 2017), organized every two years (graduate in 2025, undergraduate in 2026) with a sample size of 400,000 students and a response rate of 30-50%. Andreas attends the conference to finalize the survey design and negotiate data re-use.

The collected data will support a sub-project in a DFG Research Unit starting in January 2025 and enhance data analysis at the DSC. With the collected data, novel data science methods can be applied within the team, and insights into the acceptance and use of AI-based systems in higher education institutions can be gained. This will form the basis of a sub-project of a DFG Research Unit, in collaboration with colleagues at ZeMKI and TZI. Additionally, a large data set from higher education research can be added to the data collection at the DSC to enable further analyses.

Author: Jennifer Nüchter
If you have any questions regarding the DSC Seed Grant, feel free to contact me.

Dr. Lena Steinmann
DSC Coordinator
+49 (421) 218 - 63941

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