Data Science and Philosophy


12 - 13 Uhr

Data Science Forum

Prof. Dr. Dr. Norman Sieroka
Professor of Philosophy
FB 09 – Cultural studies


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Why would a philosopher be interested in data science? What are her or his data and what might be relevant (and not so relevant) philosophical research questions? I will answer these questions from a rather personal perspective by stating what I take to be the role and aim of philosophy in this context and by briefly introducing research projects and interdisciplinary collaborations I engage in.

About the Speaker

Norman Sieroka is Professor for Philosophy at the University of Bremen. He studied philosophy, physics, and mathematics at Heidelberg University and the University of Cambridge. He is a member of the Directory Board of the Turing Centre Zurich and of the Governance Board of ETH’s “Rethink” initiative (rethinking design with artificial intelligence).

One of his central research interests is the question of “how science works” and what values are pursued in different sciences. A particular focus is on the role of data and artificial intelligence in various disciplines – from physics and biomedicine to architecture – and different research contexts (such as theory development, exploration and problem solving).

Prof. Dr. Dr. Norman Sieroka

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