02.10.2023 | DSC Seed Grant

The DSC funds research on the public discourse about network policy issues

The goal of this research project is the analysis of transatlantic discourses on network policy issues by using digital text corpora. The focus will lie on current discussions about the regulation of hate speech and freedom of expression.

This research project aims to explore how expert opinions from IT Blogs impact the traditional media discourse and discussions on social media and thus influence policymaking regarding regulations of the digital public sphere. To investigate this relation, different web corpora will be examined with the help of digital discourse analysis.

The datasets and corpora will be analysed by using methods from computational social sciences and digital humanities (frequency-, co-occurence-, network analysis, topicc modelling, etc.). Moreover, an automated analysis based on machine learning methods will be conducted.

In order to enable a transatlantic comparison, data was collected in German and English. The thematic focus of the project lies on hate speech and freedom of expression. The topic will be examined in more detail by analysing the public discourse on the German Network Enforcement (NetzDG). The transatlantic counterpart to this are discussions surrounding a possible reform of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act in the United States.

Both discourses serve as suitable case studies for researching how the societal implications of technology and the public sphere are being negotiated. Furthermore, a transatlantic comparison will provide insights into the extent to which basic democratic values differ on both sides of the Atlantic.

Funding recipient:
Dr. Jens Pohlmann (Faculty 09 – ZeMKI)

Funding period:
01 October 2023 - 31 December 2023

Author: Svenja Goers
If you have any questions regarding the DSC Seed Grant, feel free to contact me.

Dr. Lena Steinmann
DSC Coordinator
+49 (421) 218 - 63941

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