28.08.2023 | DSC Seed Grant

DSC Seed Grant book project has now been published open-access

The first DSC Seed Grant funded a publication project which deals with data privacy issues and practices on crowdsourcing platforms in China, Germany, and the USA. The results of the interdisciplinary research project have now been published as a book by Springer.

The DSC has supported the completion of the book project “Data Privacy and Crowdsourcing: A Comparison of Selected Problems in China, Germany and the United States ”. In order to fund the publication, the very first DSC Seed Grant was awarded to DSC member Dr. Sonja Mangold and former member Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf in 2020 (we report here ). The results of their research project have now been released as a monograph.

The funding of the book publication has also paved the way for an new, approved third-party project with the Hans Böckler Foundation on “Platform work and data protection from a national and international perspective: market players, problem areas, regulatory requirements”. Based on the findings, policy recommendations on data protection for platform work are developed (read more here ).

In their book, the authors Lars Hornuf, Sonja Mangold und Yayun Yang address the question of how business models of crowdsourcing platforms deal with data protection risks. The focus lies on commercial platforms from China, Germany and the USA that digitally provide and distribute remote services. As part of the research project, privacy statements from more than 400 crowdsourcing platforms were collected and analysed from an economic and legal perspective. In the book, the authors compare data protection practices from the three countries and develop empirically-grounded policy recommendations.

The book is open access and available online.

We congratulate Sonja Mangold and Lars Hornuf on their book publication!

Author: Svenja Goers
If you have any questions regarding the DSC Seed Grant, feel free to contact me.

Dr. Lena Steinmann
DSC Coordinator
+49 (421) 218 - 63941

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